Dedicated To Your Success!
Connections really do matter, and making the right connections at pivotal moments - to the
right solutions, ideas, people, or strategy - will greatly
increase your chances of success. My wide-ranging
scope of business experience, extensive connections,
and expertise, enables me to see opportunities from diverse vantage points so that I can advise and connect you with the right ideas and strategies to improve your business at every stage. I will provide sound business advice that is consistent with your goals and your objectives. Connections Matter will help you make the best decisions - that make sense for your business.
I want to connect my 40 years of successful leadership and management experience to help your business with whatever opportunities or challenges you are facing.
I am experienced in all facets of business - Operations, Customer Experience, Recruiting & Retention, Supply Chain, Logistics, Sales, Merchandising, Marketing, IT, and Accounting. I will provide you with solid recommendations you can trust, to help your business grow and thrive. This is my next level of leadership, and I am excited to help you on your journey.
Trusted. Experienced. Proven. These are words I do not use lightly. But they do help paint a picture of who I am and how I can help your business. Are you considering expansion, merger, acquisition, entering a new market, upgrading staff or enhancing your organizational structure, rebranding, or need to improve your supply chain, sales, or other business operations? If you need creative solutions, fresh and innovative ideas, or an experienced advisor with a proven track record that you can trust, then please click "read more about me here"
What's holding you back from realizing your sales or profit potential? Do you need help filling key positions or retaining employees to reduce turnover? Where should you open your next location? What new markets should you consider? Is merger or acquisition a potential path forward? How can you improve your business, right where you are today? What resources, people, ideas, and strategies do you need to have in place before you can successfully execute your next move? And what exactly is your next move? CMC can help you answer these questions and a lot more. As you grow your business, let CMC be that trusted business advisor to help you answer the difficult questions and move in the right direction.
How effective and efficient are your current operating procedures? Have you outgrown processes or positions, or allowed certain people within your organization to hold you back? Thinking "outside the box" can at times require help from a trusted advisor who is "outside the box." Someone with experience and a proven track record who has made difficult decisions. CMC will conduct an objective assessment to analyze processes to discover opportunities or gaps and make sound recommendations that will help your business perform at a higher level in an ever-changing and challenging business environment.
Growth is exciting, but it can also be distracting. Oftentimes, business owners are so busy working "in the business," they don't have time to work "on the business". CMC can help make sure you have the right people in the right position, doing what you expect. Effective organizational and reporting structures are essential to growing a business, as well as succession planning. There are a number of issues we'd rather not have to think about, but helping you avoid blinds spots and planning for the unexpected is all part of running a successful company. Having a trusted business advisor, to help you work on these vital areas of your business, will allow you to fully focus on what you do best; growing your company and maximizing profits!